★ 좋은 소식 전설 팬들의 리그! Teamfight Tactics TFT 가이드 및 도우미가 이제 생방송입니다!
Ⓐ LoL TFT 가이드 (Teamfight Tactics). Teamfight Tactics 팀 제작자는 최고의 챔피언 구성 및 항목 조합을 지원합니다. 조리법을보고 아이템을 만듭니다. 챔피언 티어보기
Ⓑ Teamfight Tactics (TFT). 종류와 근원 시너지에 의한 챔피언 목록.
Ⓒ 리그, 전설 챔피언 (TFT 모드)의 기술, 클래스 및 권장 빌드를 참조하십시오.
TFT TFT 가이드 용 Teambuilder. 시너지 시뮬레이터! 팀에 LoL 챔피언을 추가하여 클래스 및 원점 보너스 포인트를 몇 개나 계산하십시오.
Ø 계층 정보 및 계층 확률은 Teamfight Tactics Helper에서 사용할 수 있습니다!
Lo LoL TFT 용 Team Builder, 모든 챔피언에게 권장되는 아이템.
Team Teamfight Tactics의 항목 통계, 설명 및 항목 조합 도우미.
League 각 층별 리그 전설 TFT 가이드의 챔피언.
LoLChess, 자동 체스 도우미, LoL 챔피언을 선택하고 보너스를보고 팀을 구성하십시오.
★ 이것은 게임이 아니며 TFT Teamfight Tactics Helper입니다.이 애플리케이션은 League of Legends Riot Games Inc. 또는 그 계열사가 어떠한 방식 으로든 보증, 인증 또는 승인하지 않습니다.
★ League of Legends에 대한 제안이나 소식이 있습니까? 새 메일 보내기 : georgebestowan@gmail.com
★ Good news League of Legends fans! Teamfight Tactics TFT Guide and Helper is now live!
Ⓐ LoL TFT Guide (Teamfight Tactics). Best champion composition and item combinations are supported with Team Builder for Teamfight Tactics. Craft items by looking at recipes. See champion tiers.
Ⓑ Teamfight Tactics (TFT). List of Champions by class and origin synergy. Best auto chess app for LoL!
Ⓒ See skills, classes and recommended builds, items for League of Legends Champions (TFT Mode).
Ⓓ Teambuilder for TFT Guide. Synergy simulator! Calculate how many class and origin bonus points by adding LoL Champions to your team.
Ⓔ Tier information and tier probability is available with Teamfight Tactics Helper!
Ⓕ Team Builder for LoL TFT, Recommended items for all champions.
Ⓖ Item stats, description and item combinations helper for Teamfight Tactics.
Ⓗ Champions of League of Legends TFT Guide with each tier for auto chess.
Ⓘ LoLChess, Auto Chess Helper, build your team by selecting LoL Champions and see bonuses.
★ Do you want to win the games? Are you a winner for TFT? Meta LoL Champion and Item compositions with team builder for lol chess, for every version and tier are added!
★ Latest Teamfight Tactics Patch Notes with all details including balances, nerf and buff changes are live for LoL.
★ Tier lists for League of Legends champions for TFT are listed.
★ Details are shown for each round. Either it is Random user, carrousel, krugs, wolves, baron, raptor, dragon, rift herald!
★ This is not a game, it is a TFT Teamfight Tactics Helper and this application is not endorsed, certified or otherwise approved in any way by League of Legends Riot Games Inc. or any of its affiliates.
★ Any suggestions or news for League of Legends? Send a mail to: georgebestowan@gmail.com