The app contains Shader Packs, which are for improving the basic light and visual projections by introducing a unique way of visualization. The colors are brighter and the surroundings are more atmospheric.
These shaders will add a realistic look and realistic lighting to the game. They have many improvements in graphics and beauty, such as directional lighting from the sun, etc.
The Shader Pack Ultra Texture app also contains Simple Shader, which is an easy shader pack that is an ideal solution for those who have a not very powerful device and cannot use other shader packs. This is a much simpler pack that has some important features, such as a more realistic sky and so on.
Try out few different shader packs, as they are beautiful with own features.
In app Shader Pack Ultra Texture you will find popular Shaders, as: UltraMax Shader, ESBE 2G Shader, UltraMin Shader, EVO Shader Mod V1.2 REAL ENGINE, Simple Shader, Enhanced Vanilla Shader, Natural Mystic Shaders, Ultra Maximum Shaders Pack, EVO Shader Pack Mod, Realistic Lightweight Shaders.
After using Shader Pack Ultra Texture app, do not forget to leave a comment with your impressions about the mods and maps, as well as tell us what you missed. What maps and mods should be added to the collection to make you happy?
This app is unofficial collection of mods, addons and maps. If you’re sure that this app has trademarks which are under the rule “Fair Use”, please, send the e-mail and we will fix it.