Looking to meet someone new? NZDating.com is the safe, secure, private and FUN place to find new friends, someone to chat with, dating, or a serious relationship
New Zealanders can now browse, search, send messages and see who's online in real time wherever they are with the FREE official NZDating.com app available exclusively to NZDating.com Gold Members.
It's super simple to use and fun!
NZDating.com has been ranked by Nielsen Netratings® as New Zealand's busiest dating service, with over 1.7 million member accounts created and new members joining every few minutes.
If you're serious about finding someone, NZDating.com Gold members can:
- Upload many more photos
- See who has viewed your advert
- Access restricted Gold member sections
- Save special friends in ‘buddy’ lists
- Access additional search features
- Be included in Perfect Match searches
- Enjoy many more mail messages, messageboard posts and events
- Have fun with the dating process!
- Access NZDating through an app on your smart phone or tablet and other devices
Not yet a member? Join FREE at http://www.nzdating.com